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Cultural Problems

Below are potential cultural problems that people from the UAE may experience when dealing with the people of Japan:

  • In food, Japanese uses chopsticks to eat their food, while Emirates use their hands.


  • In greeting, Emirates usually shake hands when they greet people, but Japanese bow when they greet.


  • In some manners Japanese and Emirates are different. In both cultures, people are expected to remove their shoes before they step into the house, but Japanese give their guest slippers to use at home whereas the Emirates they don’t. The guest will enter the house with their bare foot.


  • Emirates will have some difficulties practicing their religion ritual due to the differences in the religion background

Done by:
Muna Ahmed Al Hammadi

Mashael Husain Al Sayari

Khulood Mohammed Al Maskari

Intercultural Studies LSS 2113

Higher Colleges of Technologies

November 2015

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