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Conflict resolution

Japanese believe that they should not mix their personal feelings and interest with their public role. In another words, their political opinions and disagreement are kept secret. It is not shared with other people (Japan: Conflict and Control).


According to that, Japanese people will not show their feelings such as anger in order to avoid conflicts and disagreements. Or they would most likely be silent and not speak when encountering conflicts (Japan: Conflict and Control).


However, the silence and emotional holding will not be there when there is difference in status between the people involved in the conflict. People with higher power will give in to the anger and express it clearly (Japan: Conflict and Control).


In the event that the conflict has accord, Japanese would use the help of an intermediates or indirect methods of communications to save their face and the other party’s face. Most importantly, when Japanese resolve conflicts, they resolve it based on its context. That being who is involved in the conflict, what is their status on the hierarchy level, and what are the consequences of the resolution (Us and Them)

Done by:
Muna Ahmed Al Hammadi

Mashael Husain Al Sayari

Khulood Mohammed Al Maskari

Intercultural Studies LSS 2113

Higher Colleges of Technologies

November 2015

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